Pest Control Services
At Chrysalis Pest Management, we offer pest control services that are designed to keep your home free and clear of insects, rodents, and reptiles that are harmful to you, your family, and your home.
While ants are year-round pests, they’re highly active in Spring and Summer. What’s worse, they usually feed outdoors making them harder to detect. Getting a jump start on ant control prevents colonies from multiplying in your home or yard.
Mosquitoes are frustrating and can keep you from enjoying the great outdoors. They can also be a health hazard vectoring different types of diseases. Our Suppression program can help to get you back outside and enjoying nature.
Wasps are no joke in south Texas. One nest leads to several and before you know it, the outside of your home and your yard has been taken over. While some nests are easy to spot, others are hidden and when disturbed, can lead to wasp attacks.
There are several types of rodents and wildlife that make their way into our yards (and, sometimes, homes) in south Texas. From mice and rats to raccoons, there are different types of four-legged creatures that can invade our space, and we can help!
Fleas don’t need a host to get inside your home. Fleas are small enough to make it inside via window screens and cracks in floors. Fleas and ticks can wreak havoc on your home, but we can get them under control and out of your space.
Termites stay up 24 hours a day building colonies and planning their takeover of your home. Termites are attracted to moisture, particularly the wood around your AC. Left untreated they will continuously feed on your wood.
Bed bugs are insects (almost tick-like) that feed on human blood, causing skin rashes and blisters as well as psychological effects and other health issues. They’re incredibly tiny so they are hard to spot. If you suspect you have them, contact us!
Unlike mosquitos, cockroaches are year-round nuisances, spreading disease and making a disgusting crunch sound when you step on one. Additionally, they can run up to 3MPH which is also how fast they spread germs and disease.
Spiders and scorpions are a common problem in south Texas. Not only do they invade our lawns, but they’re very good at invading our homes. While some are less threatening than others, it’s a good idea to get them under control as soon as possible.